awesome people

 hello this is the awsome person here and i just put this page up because i thought i should tell you  some stuff if you have any ideas questions or comments you can eather leave them on awsome comments or email me at [email protected]  oh and by the way this website is run by kids and not 40 year olds trying to relate to kids so feel free to really do what ever you want . you can also join the, awsome people fan club by e-mailing me and telling me so that you can get to help me choose ideas to put on the website and get a newsletter from me  every so often , (cant make any promises that i do it every day)

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets

pYzam Page Pets
FreeFlashToys Page Pets
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 you can play with the panda and make your own once you do email it to me and the first 10 i get i will put on the webpage! to visit them you just have to come back here to the awsome directory and i will try to change the pets every week if yours is not here:)